You Can Do This!

Associate Professor, Nino Chedia is a graduate of Oxford University in strategic management, specializing in Organisational Behaviour and Leadership. She holds a Finance MBA from Caucasus Business School and has done her Bachelor’s degree in Marketing. Moreover, she completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics at Georgian Technical University.  She studied at the IEDC-Blade School of Management in Central Europe, one of the most prestigious business schools in Slovenia and the president of the Alumni Club in Georgia. Nino. She is also a member of the Oxford University Business Alumni Club and a member of Oxford- Georgia Association. She has been working for 8 years in various business schools, including internationally.  With her 16-year experience of working on advanced positions in the financial sector, she is now the Deputy General Director of the insurance company “Hualing Insurance”.

She believes pride and values define a true leader. A leader is someone who has followers, who does the right work, can control changes and motivate the team. As a leader, she uses a visionary style of management – she is a coach and believes that emotional intelligence is a critical trait for a leader and is the defining feature that differentiates a manager and a leader. Her goal is to establish the best international practice in Georgia, increase the motivation of new generations and popularize quality education.

-Let’s start with school. You studied in a public school, from today’s perspective, how you do assess this experience and in general, what role does school an educational and socializing place, has in having a successful career?

I remember school times in a very positive light – I had distinguished and attentive teachers and friends who were great team players.

School represents the first challenge where the rules of self-restraint are important – how you can assert yourself and show what you are capable of. During school years, we had the election of the school leader and a youth parliament, one of my classmates was running, we united and participated together and this is how I won.

-You choose business. What determined your choice and what were your priorities when choosing universities?

In the last years of the school, as I said, I was in the youth parliament – I wanted to contribute to my country’s development. However, I soon realized that you should do that later, first you need to become a professional in your sphere, create and establish yourself and this is how I got into business management. My older friends were the leading business school lecturers – role models. I also wanted to become like them, so I started to study at Caucasus Business School and at the same time at the Georgian Technical University – this is how my road to bachelor’s degree started which led me to my master’s degree and now to Oxford University.

-You are an Oxford Business School Alumna. What is the fundamental difference between Georgian and foreign educational systems?

Different emphasis and wider views.  You learn what’s happening around you and what you need. When you want to be a successful leader, in order to see marketing as an investment and not an expense, you must learn marketing; In order to have the ability to make the right analysis of financial information, you must learn finance; And in order to have a good team, you should become a good manager and then think about becoming a leader. There, they know that and they teach you how to combine and use everything strategically.

I decided to do my bachelor’s in marketing and economics, to have a background in economic and a technical base. Then for my MBA, I did finance to study business administration and follow my planned strategy. I knew exactly what I wanted. I had the best lecturers at the university at the IEDC – Bled School of Management, one of the best management schools in Central Europe in which managers are trained, and I was personally invited by the president.

I received funding and learned management from one of the best lecturers in the world. Obviously, the knowledge I had, I used it in practice and developed my own, different approach. I strongly believe that when in a leading position, you have a lot of responsibility towards others and their families. The culture and management style that you adopt will not only affect the success of the company but the families of each team member. Therefore, you should know and work a lot on yourself, to be a good manager and a true leader. If you find a leader who is also a good manager – never let them go!

I decided to do my bachelor’s in marketing and economics, to have a background in economic and a technical base. Then for my MBA I did finance to study business administration and follow my planned strategy. I knew exactly what I wanted. I had the best lecturers at the university at the IEDC – Bled School of Management, one of the best management schools in Central Europe in which managers are trained, and I was personally invited by the president.

I received funding and learned management from one of the best lecturers in the world. Obviously, the knowledge I had, I used it in practice and developed my own, different approach. I strongly believe that when in a leading position, you have a lot of responsibility towards others and their families. The culture and management style that you adopt will not only affect the success of the company but the families of each team member. Therefore, you should know and work a lot on yourself, to be a good manager and a true leader. If you find a leader who is also a good manager – never let them go!

Then came Oxford. That is where I found answers to my open questions. I learned strategic management, changes, we created an organizational culture for many of the leading companies; I had professional experiences which are of utmost importance to follow the world in the 21st century. I would like to use this experience in Georgia as well.

The most important thing I acquired at Oxford are the values ​​and the people that have become my friends. I learned what teamwork and support means. The connections that Oxford gave me today is helping in Georgia and I became a kind of contact hub – for example, for finding information and the necessary educational resources.

-In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge of the Georgian education system today and what is, in your view, the solution to overcome this challenge?

Young generations are creating a better future and we should share our knowledge and experience. High-quality education is not cheap or easy to access. Without that,  we can not create a better environment.

-What is your style of transforming knowledge acquired at university into practice?

Learning multidisciplinary subjects enables you to have a broader view and think outside the box. Implement your management style. As a manager and leader, I think team members and our achievements should evaluate us. In my practice, I had experiences when one person joined the team because she/he wanted to work by my side – this is a great appreciation for me and motivation to become even stronger professional.

When you learn management – you learn how to gather a team, how to motivate people. Intuition never betrays me and I always choose the right persons. My team members always advance in their careers and become special. This needs knowledge. It is good to have a lot of information and determine the right approach to each team member.  I know each and everyone’s experience, aspirations, goals, and a lot of times I have awaken the strong sides in them that I discovered myself. There is such term – Leading with LUV, which for me means that when I work with someone, I appreciate, love and respect them – superficial relations are not my style. In my opinion, this is the formula for successful management.

-Prior to the insurance sector, you had 16 years of experience in leading positions in the banking sector. What was the most valuable achievement for you?

I believe that the most valuable is when you achieve something by yourself. At the age of 19, I became the senior corporate sales manager at one of the leading banks. I think we should appreciate success achieved at all stages.

I worked in every direction of the bank, I often had overseas trips and I acquired international practice. Then, we implemented the same approach in Georgia and this was, obviously, very interesting.

I have a great self-motivation and when I set goals, I know exactly that I can achieve it – to I have the necessary skills and dedication. I have skills, dedication and I really really want it!

-Business is largely dominated by men. What challenges do women have to establish themselves and what is your experience?

I and decent people around me create an environment where we do not define people by gender or by any other sign, but unfortunately, stereotypes on women do exist and we should break them by standing together and supporting each other – by sharing our experiences, promoting one another and promoting education.

-How important are people with large social and financial capital as well as companies to take social responsibility and engage in women’s empowerment?

It is very important because we have to strengthen and support each other. I do not betray my values and I always care about women’s empowerment. We have a lot of responsibilities, whether it’s upbringing of future generations, or combining career and family activities. If women are more educated if they have more information and if they are stronger, future generations will have better values and society as a whole will have better values and existing stereotypes will be less.

-What would you recommend to young people who want to establish themselves in the business sector?

As soon as you determine what you want and make the right changes as you go, you will quickly reach your goal. When planning your future, you need experienced people around you, who you should listen to and take into account their pieces of advice and arguments. The one who can do this is the true leader and will be much more successful. I always say that there are no right and wrong decisions, everything that we follow, believe in and achieve is right. This is being a leader – listen, plan, work hard and use every resource to achieve the goal with a strong and dignified team.